Thursday, May 28, 2009

Support Kids- Parents Unite Update May 28, 2009

I received a request today from an Austin newspaper via the petition site. Finally someone is taking notice and I am hopeful that this story will continue to grow until the Texas Attorney General has to take note and do something about this fraud.
Hopefully a Texas based law firm will see our cases and will gather a class action suit.
Please continue to pass the word and pray for all of the children and their parents that Support Kids has affected.
I am calling the Texas Department of Banking tomorrow myself. This is not going to go away for Support Kids or for RJBA. What has gone on and what is going on has to stop.


Investigate alleged Support Kids fraud Petition

1 comment:

lilbit221959 said...

Well Teri I just got fed up myself and contacted the Attorney Generals office in Salem New Hampshire. I went to their website and called the phone number listed and was given instructions to type a complaint and fax it to 603-271-2110. Which I did staing how I was told by 4 different associates that I had 3 support paments collected and processed by them on May 28, 29, and June 1, 2009 and now today Erin told me that there was only one payment processed due to a clerical error the other two were mistakes. I asked to speak to a supervisor or to RICHARD J BOUDREAU and was told neither was there to speak to me. I was beside myself then ERIN gave me the old number to support kids thinking that woudl make me go away. I called the supportkids number to no avail (the company in texas is closed) so I called RJBA back and did finally get ahold of a supervisor when I told them I contacted the Attorney Generals office about this matter. I spoke with Keith Raye (supervisor)and was assured he is going to research the missing payments and I am supposed to call him back this afternoon. Funny how when you mention the word fraud and Attorney Generals office they jump!